
Rule Criteria

1. Partnership must work together

2. Partnerships must quietly research their topic using a variety of resources for information
__a. Reference
__b. Non-fiction
__c. On-line LMC Resources
__d. Internet

3. Citations page will be handed in:
a. Keep track of call #, author(s), title, publisher, publication date, pages used, and
website addresses

4. Booths:
__a. An auditory sales pitch
____1. Must be organized and pitch flows
____2. Easy to understand
____3. Good eye-contact
____4. Loud w/ proper enunciation
____5. Appropriate body language
__b. Five visual aids
__c. Some type of pamphlets, propaganda poster, signs, etc.
__d. Color
__e. At least one item that is hands on
__f. Historically accurate

5. Fairgoers
__1. Ask questions
__2. Rate the quality of each booth that you will write down and hand in
__3. Well-behaved
__4. Able to answer essential knowledge question.

6. Wikispace
a. All members of the partnership contribute information
b. Works cited list
c. Visual aids


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